Mobile and web developer. I specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces using blockchain and AI technology. With expertise in React, Next.js, Swift/SwiftUI frameworks, I build dynamic and responsive applications optimized for the consumer.
Staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies, I am a quick learner and thrive on new challenges that allow me to expand my skill set.
May 2019 — February 2021
FraximalistFrax Finance
Led early growth and marketing
Acquired boots on the ground experience building a stablecoin from the ground up
May 2019 — February 2021
Front-end Developer, growthPredIQt
Part of core engineering team building an early decentralized prediction market
Market Maker
December 2015 — February 2021
Led organic marketing and social media campaigns, helped hire early employees
Scaled the operation to millions of page views a month
Acquired knowledge in SEO, marketing, business development, testing of an application's functionality and components.
Mobile and web developer. I specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces using blockchain and AI technology. With expertise in React, Next.js, Swift/SwiftUI frameworks, I build dynamic and responsive applications optimized for the consumer.
Staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies, I am a quick learner and thrive on new challenges that allow me to expand my skill set.